Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Becoming Better!

Here at the treasury we are always looking for ways to improve and thank you for all the feedback we have and from our readers and followers on Facebook and Twitter! We really appreciate everything we've been told and we have listened!

So what's going to change?

  • Instant Posting - as soon as we know it, you'll know it.
  • Images - we'll be taking heaps of photos all relevant to what you want to see!
  • Video Tutorials - we're in the process of setting up our own YouTube Channel so we can bring you fun and interesting tutorials!
  • Direct links - when we mention in store products, we'll link them to our page so you can order instantly or save it for later!
  • New pages - yes, we are adding more pages to our blog so we can offer you even more, including weekly specials and a page especially for our Workshops!
We want to know how you feel about these changes and if you have any more suggestions for us!

You can contact us via
 Email (the-treasury@btconnect.com)

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